Landscape / Tata Avenida, Kolkata

Landscape / Tata Avenida, Kolkata

Tata Avenida


Client: Tata Housing Development Company Limited
Concept Design: Cracknell, Dubai
Master Planner & Architect: Edifice Architects
Area: 11.00 Acres
Status: Completed

Conceived by Cracknell and taken forward by Design Accord, this luxury condominium housing in Kolkata, Rajarhat, defines a new paradigm of lifestyle. Evolved and inspired from the old Kolkata architecture and the city's cultural context, this very contemporary setting of landscape provides outdoor spaces, ranging from the grandiose of a large arrival to a small cost nook in the rear gardens. The landscape designs also include a wide urban avenue as a central spine that flows into podiums and club gardens resplendent with rich tropical planting.
